"the Woodward is a hunter whose prey is solutions to moments of crisis."
(this is Jack)
"The Woodward, an ancient guardian of the Wildwood, symbolizes the inner power that comes from facing fear and understanding the nature of darkness."
--suppose that JTo wasn't annihilated in room 237. A happy ending?
(What's on the dark side of the moon? Shining?)
sublimateverb |ˈsəbləˌmāt|1 [ trans. ] (esp. in psychoanalytic theory) divert or modify (an instinctual impulse) into a culturally higher or socially more acceptable activity : people who will sublimate sexuality into activities which help to build up and preserve civilization | he sublimates his hurt and anger into humor.2 Chemistry [ intrans. ] another term for sublime .noun |-ˌmit; -ˌmāt| Chemistrya solid deposit of a substance that has sublimed.DERIVATIVESsublimation |ˌsəbləˈmā sh ən| nounORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [raise to a higher status] ): from Latin sublimat- ‘raised up,’ from the verb sublimare.
Aug. 5th, 2040: 2 pm